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Setkání předsedů výborů na téma “Bezpečná a udržitelná energetika pro Evropu“
> Seznam účastníků
Seznam účastníků
- Bayr Petra Austria National Council, Vice-Chairperson of the Environment Committee
- Landertshammer Sophie Austria Secretary of Delegation
- Schennach Stefan Austria Federal Council, member
- Themessl Bernhard Austria National Council, Vice-Chairperson of the Economy and Industry Committee
- Collas Bernard Belgium Senator
- Laeremans Bart Belgium President de la Commission de l´Economie
- Partyka Katrien Belgium Membre de la Commission de l´Economie
- Peleman Martin Belgium Secretaire de la Commission de l´Economie
- Atalay Ramadan Bulgaria Chairman - Energy Committee
- Bozhinov Georgi Bulgaria Chairman - Environment and Water Committee
- Dontchev Vladimir Bulgaria Advisor Energy Committee
- Christoforou Lefteris Cyprus House of Representatives - Chairman of the House Standing Committee on Trade and Industry
- Ambrozek Libor Czech Republic MP, Committee on Environment (Chairperson)
- Bárek Ivo Czech Republic Senator, Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment (Chairperson)
- Bis Jiří Czech Republic Senator, Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport (member)
- Dupláková Daniela Czech Republic Parlamentary Institute
- Dyba Karel Czech Republic Ambassador to the OECD
- Hajda jan Czech Republic Senator, Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport (Chairperson)
- Hlavatý Luboš Czech Republic MInistry of Industry and Trade
- Kanta Jan Czech Republic CEZ Distribution
- Jakub František Czech Republic Senate, Secretary General
- Jonáš Vítězslav Czech Republic Senator, Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport (Deputy - Chairperson)
- Jůzová Andrea Czech Republic Committee on National Economy, Agriculture and Transport
- Kopečný Michal Czech Republic Ministry of Industry and Trade, Dpt. of gas and liquid fuels
- Kroužek Petr Czech Republic Permanent Mission to the OECD
- Kružíková Jana Czech Republic Senate, Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment (Secretary)
- Kudrnáč Jiří Czech Republic CEZ Distribution - Division Director
- Moldan Bedřich Czech Republic Senator, Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment (member)
- Plecitý Petr Czech Republic PAN Solutions
- Pouček Jan Czech Republic Senior manager, Czech Gasworks Union
- Špika Jan Czech Republic MP, Subcommittee on Power Engineering (Chairperson)
- Wild Andreas Czech Republic Ministry of Foreign Affaires, European Politics Dept. Officer
- Gade Steen Denmark Chairman of the Environment and Regional Planning Committee
- Jorgensen Per Orum Denmark Member of Parliament
- Moesby Ole Denmark Ambassador to the Czech Republic
- Huntington Jeff EEA Head of Programme, EEA
- Laperrouze Anne European Parliament Depute au Parlament Europeen
- Martin-Oar Luis European Parliament Head of Unit, ITRE Committee Secretariat, EP
- Pietras Jindřich European Parliament Information Centre Prague - official
- Prodi Vittorio European Parliament Vice-president - CLIM Committee
- Van Arum Rinse European Parliament Administrator, CLIM Committee
- Boidin Bernard France Ambassade de France - Chef de la Mission economique
- Grzegorczyk Jean-Luc France Fonctionnaire - Assemblée nationale
- Kettanjian Samuel France Ambassade de France - Chef de secteur Biens d´équipement
- Poignant Serge France Député - Assemblée nationale
- Poniatowski Ladislav France Senateur
- Poux Vincent France administrateur - Senat
- Bexheti Blerim FYROM Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia - Member
- Sugareski Goran FYROM Deputy Chairman - Committee on Agriculture
- Efthymiou Konstantinos Greece official - Hellenic Parliament
- Mermigki Kalliopi Greece Associate officer - Hellenic Parliament
- Papademetriou Elsa Greece Vice-President of the Helenic Parliament, Chair of the EU Committee
- Salagkoudis Georgios Greece Chairperson of Standing Committee for Production and Trade
- Józsa István Hungary Vice-Chairman of Committee on Economics and Information
- Kovács Ferenc Hungary National Assembly - Consultant
- Török Lili Hungary National Assembly - Advisor of the EU Department
- Mc Kenna Michael Ireland Clerk to Climate Change and Energy Security
- Battisti Edoardo Italy Senate, Deputy Clerk of the Committee on Industry
- Borrelli Paola Italy Chamber of Deputies, Interpreter
- Cursi Cesare Italy Senate, Chairman - Committee on Industry
- D´Ali Antonio Italy Senate, Chairman - Committee on Environment
- Froner Laura Italy Chamber of Deputies - member
- Scaramuzzi Angela Italy Senate, Interpreter
- Visca Paolo Italy Official - Chamber of Deputies
- Viviani Rosalla Italy accompanying person
- Ažubalis Andronius Lithuania The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania - Member
- Budrys Dainius Lithuania The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania - Chairman of Committee on Economics
- Stankevicius Česlovas Vytautas Lithuania Chairman - Committee on EU Affairs
- Henckes Jacques-Yves Luxembourg Member of Parliament, Economic Affairs Committee Member
- Oberweis Marcel Luxembourg Président de la Commission de l´Agriculture
- Agius David Malta Member of Parliament
- Pullicino Marlene Malta Member of Parliament
- Birol Fatih panelist Chief Economist, International Energy Agency
- Lenard Elzbieta Poland Senate - Environment Committee Secretary
- Skurkiewicz Wojciech Poland Senate - Environment Committee Member
- Rui Vieira Portugal Member of Portuguese Parliament
- Filip Petru Romania Senator, Chairman of the Public Administration, Territorial Organization and Environment Protection Committee
- Popa Marian Romania Senate - Counsellor
- Vosganian Varujan Romania Senator, Chairman of the Economic, Industries and Services Committee
- Slabý Jan Slovakia National Council, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Nature Protection
- Lukáč Milan Slovakia National Council, Secretary of the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Nature Protection
- Bergoč Jerneja Slovenia National Assembly - Secretary to the Committee on Economy
- Bezjak Marjan Slovenia National Assembly - Member
- Golob Janvit Slovenia National Council - member
- Pečan Breda Slovenia National Assembly - Member
- Alonso José Antonio Spain Chairman - Committee on Industry
- Bernabeu Jose Guillermo Spain Member of Parliament
- Maranon Raquel Spain Clerk - Chamber of Deputies
- Marin Manuel Spain Legal Adviser - Senate
- Segura José Spain Deputy Chairman, Commission on Climate Change
- Eriksson Alf Sweden Member of Parliament
- Holst Madeleine Sweden Deputy Secretary to the Committee on Environment and Agriculture
- Västerteg Claes Sweden MP, Deputy Chairman to the Committee on Environment and Agriculture
- Ozdalga Haluk Nazmi Turkey Chairman - Comittee on Environment
- Yilmaz Aytac Tureky 2nd secretary of theTurkish Embassy
- Labeta Julia United Kingdom House of Lords, Clerk - EU Environment and Agriculture Committee
- Sewel John United Kingdom House of Lords, Chairman - EU Environment and Agriculture Committee